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Chapter III

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Since the early 2000s, NICE Systems has worked directly with the national security agencies in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan to provide fully equipped mass communication monitoring center facilities. In 2012, NICE Systems gained a new contract, upgrading its decade old services to include DPI (deep packet inspection) technologies in all centers.

In Kazakhstan, as well as Moldova, Poland, and Russia, NICE is represented by Aman Computers, led by Sagi Eliyahu.


Aman Computers also represents Israeli IT firms Informatica and Citirix, providing video surveillance and other services to the Ministry of Defense, the Israeli police, Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, Israeli Aircraft Industries (IAI), and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

Since 2002, NICE has expanded its operations in the Middle East and Africa.

The other clients of NICE Systems include Statue of Liberty, Los Angeles International Airport, New Jersey Transit, the London and Beijing Undergrounds, the Eiffel Tower, European and US police forces. In one form or another, NICE technology is used to monitor some 1.5 billion people.


Nice Systems (now Elbit) Ranana, Israel, 2014

©Mari Bastashevski, 2020

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